

In-Service Graduate Studies
TitleI want to be a landscape architect.
ContentsIf you are thinking about what to study at university or looking for a career change, if you care about the environment and the places where we live, work and play, this film aims to help you decide 'I want to be a landscape architect!' !Source http://www.iwanttobealandscapearchitect.com/

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Landscape Concept Design
Time Lapse Landscape Design
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Last modification time2015-10-06 AM 11:34


Decorative imageDecorative image535968_3289373308609_2043466477_n.jpg575087_3306980028766_819292698_n.jpg8-主任頒發張華蓀副教授聘書.JPG1-主任進行綜合座談開場介紹.JPG臺灣大道論壇 (41).JPGDSC_0124.JPG7月20日-綜合討論 (5).JPG2015畢業祝福禮 (7).JPG2015新生大學入門 (8).JPG景觀週 (4).jpgDSC_0786.JPG廈門大學嘉庚學院建築學系參訪 (7).JPG参獎-Homies-台中一中商圈規劃設計_靖相承.jpg
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