

China Students
TitleI want to be a landscape architect.
ContentsIf you are thinking about what to study at university or looking for a career change, if you care about the environment and the places where we live, work and play, this film aims to help you decide 'I want to be a landscape architect!' !Source http://www.iwanttobealandscapearchitect.com/

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Landscape Concept Design
Time Lapse Landscape Design
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Last modification time2013-08-01 AM 8:51


Decorative imageDecorative imageDecorative image2012美國西雅圖進行移地教學-4.JPGIMG_1566.JPG民眾提問.JPG小石川後樂園師生合影.JPG捷克交換學生 (15).jpg1218-李明翰教授授課2.JPGF (6).JPGIMAG0012.jpg7月21日中午-兩岸學員聯誼會之你來自哪裡? (10).JPGDSC_0671.JPG10林新淯.jpg頒發論文發表證明 (5).jpg
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